Chemday Wangchok 2023 – Monastery Festival of Ladakh

Chemday Wangchok 2023 is celebrated at Chemrey Monastery in Leh, Ladakh, India. Chemrey Monastery Festival 2023 is set to be held on 11th – 12th November, 2023 with great ceremonial ‘sacred mask dances, spiritual music and rituals’. It is one of the oldest monastery festivals of Leh-Ladakh, India.

chemrey monastery leh ladakh india

How Chemrey Monastery Festival 2023 is Celebrated ?

Buddhist monks put on traditional clothes and the festival starts with prayers, worshiping, spiritual music, and performing mask dance. People and tourists gather in the courtyard of Chemrey Monastery (Chemrey Gompa). These dances and music invoke the enthusiasm, spirituality and devotion in spectators.

History of Chemrey Monastery

Chemrey Gompa founded (in 1664) by Buddhist monk (Lama- Tagsang Ragspa) in the king’s memory- the Great King Sengge Namgyal. With the help of King Deldan Namgyal (son of the Great King) and Queen Mother Skalzang Dolma (Wife of the Great King). Chemrey Monastery is dedicated to the Drukpa lineage (sect) of Buddhism found in Ladakh, Tibet, Bhutan.

The monastery comprises a number of shrines, two assembly halls ‘Du-Khang’ and ‘La-Khang (Monk Temple)’. It has 29 volumes of Scripture written in Silver and Golden letters and the monastery also has a large statue of Guru Padmasambhava.

chemrey wangchok festival, chemrey monastery festival 2023

Attractions of Chemrey Monastery Festival 2023

  • Sacred Mask Dances (called ‘Chhams’ locally)
  • Spiritual music – which invokes spirituality & devotion in the eyes of spectators.
  • Local Food or  Food stall – for local visitors and tourists.
  • Display of Art, Culture, Wall Painting, Scriptures and the way of life by Buddhist monks.
  • Scenic location view of Chemrey Gompa.

Other Places to visit :

There are also many other monasteries to visit  (Monastery called ‘Gompa’ locally) :

  • Thiksey Monastery, Taktok Gompa, Stakna Monastery, Spituk Monastery and more.
  • Leh Palace, Zorawar Fort, Shanti Stupa,
  • Changthang Cold Desert Wildlife Sanctuary,
  • Hemis National Park, Pangong Lake and more.
chemrey wangchok festival, chemrey monastery festival 2023

How to reach Chemrey Monastery ?

The major city nearby is Leh and the airport is Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport which is around 45 Kms away.


When is Chemrey Wangchok 2023 date ?

Chemday Wangchok 2023 is celebrated on 11th – 12th November, 2023 (at Chemrey Monastery of Leh, Ladakh, India).

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